I learned of the death of college student Carly Henley two days after her passing, on October 6, 2010. In the days soon to follow it became clear that scores and scores of people were wounded to the core by the loss. Wonderful evidence around the internet serves to almost suspend Carly Henley's personable allure, her impressive musical talent, and a short life the likes of which most anybody could envy.

Various reports tell of her short term struggle with depression of perhaps three months in duration. Significant in that was the introduction of anti-depressant drug Zoloft via prescription some two weeks before Carly took her own life.

Not lost on me now, finally, is the wording in the "Black Box Warning" with Zoloft, which states that antidepressants may increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in persons younger than 25. Risk is especially heightened during the first two months of taking anti-depressants.

The labels on anti-depressant drugs in the U.S. were altered to reference young adults aged 18 to 24 just three years earlier - in 2007.

It is my belief, now, that Carly just happened to land among the small percentage of anti-depressant users who are susceptible to being so affected by a powerful drug such as Zoloft.

One need not ever have known such a remarkable woman to feel the pain all around at the loss of Carly Henley.

So many life lessons are so well represented by Carly Henley's compelling spirit. Let me see if I can help some to gain fuller appreciation for a woman who continues to inspire everyone who ever knew of her.

If you keep wondering... - you're not alone

    There was so much substance and depth to Carly Henley that many are caused to wonder and wonder whether there was any true logic at all behind her choice to take her own life in October of 2010.  This writer is content to reason that it was indeed the Zoloft she'd recently begun taking which altered her outlook to a viewpoint we cannot discern.  That, in a way, satisfies the urge to match logic with the tragic loss of Carly Henley, but it doesn't reduce the awe that her image still commands.

    That Carly was somebody who was inspired to develop her mind, her personality, and her artistic/musical expression served to set her well apart from those who go far on great looks and blessed genetics alone.  Every single shred of online evidence assures that Carly Henley and her early upbringing created in her a personality which simply made people want to be around her.

    Recently I came across still another great video posted by one of Carly's close friends and it gives further assurance that the friendships Carly knew were warm and rewarding.  That tends to be the case when early upbringing renders each side sincere and fully capable of sharing enough vulnerability to let others in to considerable depth.  Hopefully it was a product of caring family members and the early effects of ideal nurturing which found Carly so completely giving where it concerned those fortunate enough to travel in her close circles.

   Indeed some of Carly's music hints that she wasn't exactly sure of herself yet it seems that she went all-out for her friends and family.  Most of those all around her life were surely in awe of the great heights Carly might attain someday... and I'm sure that is the single element that hurts the most.  There is a vibe of lots and lots of people seemingly 'with' Carly's immediate family as they continue to process the tragic loss more than seven months since her death.  That seems to be a product of just how many were emotionally or personally invested in just where somebody who had and gave so much was likely to go in life.

   Somebody with so many amazing attributes affords her friends and aquaintances the unique opportunity to just sit back and take great satisfaction from merely having envisioned greatness for such a subject.  That is a fun internal reward to realize even if one can't be positioned near enough to seem to have any personal gain from having anticipated correctly.

   Carly's own independent choices were not responsible for taking her off of that path toward greatness perceived by so many around her.  This was not somebody who came to one of life's forks and selected "wrong" over "right" of her own volition.  I'm sure it just hurts so deeply inside of all those who took a moment or twenty years to be positively affected by Carly D. Henley when they face the understanding that they'll never get to find out just where their very correct-seeming assessments would take her in the future.

    I don't imagine it is any major consolation to anyone to realize that Carly didn't let anyone down as the result of any direct and independent choice she made.  I say that her integrity remains intact and that those who ever stopped to imagine Carly's future from many months or years ago need not adjust their will to anticipate and invest emotionally in the future of others.

    So many people lost a chance to know...   a chance to envision greatness and then perhaps see that expectation bear fruit with the successes and expected happiness of somebody who gave so much to her entire surroundings.

    Don't forget that in order for Carly Henley to have inspired you all so significantly, she had to put forth so much exemplary effort around so many corners during the twenty years she thrived on this earth.  And don't lose track of the fact that the results of all that effort were internal rewards for her along the way of the sorts which many of us can't really measure.  It really doesn't seem from this distant vantage point that Carly ever tripped-up in noteworthy fashion while the continued vast interest in her story since her passing suggests that others saw her in the same way.

    She left her mark...

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