I learned of the death of college student Carly Henley two days after her passing, on October 6, 2010. In the days soon to follow it became clear that scores and scores of people were wounded to the core by the loss. Wonderful evidence around the internet serves to almost suspend Carly Henley's personable allure, her impressive musical talent, and a short life the likes of which most anybody could envy.

Various reports tell of her short term struggle with depression of perhaps three months in duration. Significant in that was the introduction of anti-depressant drug Zoloft via prescription some two weeks before Carly took her own life.

Not lost on me now, finally, is the wording in the "Black Box Warning" with Zoloft, which states that antidepressants may increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in persons younger than 25. Risk is especially heightened during the first two months of taking anti-depressants.

The labels on anti-depressant drugs in the U.S. were altered to reference young adults aged 18 to 24 just three years earlier - in 2007.

It is my belief, now, that Carly just happened to land among the small percentage of anti-depressant users who are susceptible to being so affected by a powerful drug such as Zoloft.

One need not ever have known such a remarkable woman to feel the pain all around at the loss of Carly Henley.

So many life lessons are so well represented by Carly Henley's compelling spirit. Let me see if I can help some to gain fuller appreciation for a woman who continues to inspire everyone who ever knew of her.

Motivation for maintaining this website

In brief, I think Carly Henley's story might inspire many people to talk more willingly about depression and about suicide. Contrary to the media's perception, I feel that more widespread awareness of suicide and of how it affects surviving friends and family would save lives.

Because Carly both took her own life in an age of unmatched human interaction and because she left an amazing, multi-dimensional online presence, she seems a great asset to the effort to keep others from knowing the same, almost unbearable wounds that Carly's death has caused.

Not only can people relate to Carly Henley's words, and to her soul, but they want to relate to Carly as well. This was somebody who presented herself in A-plus style in just about every facet of her life. Thirteen months of testimonials and stories from friends, family, and the surrounding community since Carly's death have yet to really unearth a bad word spoken or written about her, and yet somebody with such human surroundings still chose such a final option.

Doesn't that make you think (or reinforce the idea) that there is no logical thought process which justifies such an ending for anyone, no matter how bad it gets? There is always a better way...

Indeed we can reason that Zoloft was the central contributing factor to Carly's having come to her decision but most should still be able to reason that the remarkable young woman made a disasterous choice. 

Clearly most who consider suicide have far more problems than Carly Henley could have ever been perceived to know, but that factor only serves to make more prominent the disasterous element of anyone making such a choice to end their lives.

Carly continues to be a universally admired presence who can still positively impact others and for those reasons I am glad to help random passers-by to learn her story. Carly's exceptional music reveals her soul in many ways and this is the rare spot on the internet at which you can find her lyrics, which represent the root of the meaning to her music.

The internet has the power to bring us all a little bit closer, but it still isn't otherwise convenient for onlookers from places like Portugal, Russia, Greece, Hungary, Norway and New Zealand to obtain Carly's lyrics. Yet they need only do one Google search to find hundreds of sources for the lyrics to various popular music. As for Portugal, Russia, Greece, Hungary, Norway and New Zealand - all locations from which this blog has been visited during the past month. Plenty of people have typed "Carly Henley lyrics" into Google and that brought them here.

For thirteen months now I've been caused to consider "what if it were me in the position of one of Carly's family members or friends as they were made to deal with the end of Carly's life?" I can't imagine the hurt, the void, the confusion, or even their reactions to the impressive amount of support and care from all over.

Let me repeat that I'd never even heard of Carly until a couple of days after her passing, but just yesterday I spent hours listening to her music on the impressive CD put together by her cousins and others. It's the sort of a CD you can just play over and over again, and you should have a listen here.

Carly's music can be purchased through itunes or one can order the CD from this linked website.

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