I learned of the death of college student Carly Henley two days after her passing, on October 6, 2010. In the days soon to follow it became clear that scores and scores of people were wounded to the core by the loss. Wonderful evidence around the internet serves to almost suspend Carly Henley's personable allure, her impressive musical talent, and a short life the likes of which most anybody could envy.

Various reports tell of her short term struggle with depression of perhaps three months in duration. Significant in that was the introduction of anti-depressant drug Zoloft via prescription some two weeks before Carly took her own life.

Not lost on me now, finally, is the wording in the "Black Box Warning" with Zoloft, which states that antidepressants may increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in persons younger than 25. Risk is especially heightened during the first two months of taking anti-depressants.

The labels on anti-depressant drugs in the U.S. were altered to reference young adults aged 18 to 24 just three years earlier - in 2007.

It is my belief, now, that Carly just happened to land among the small percentage of anti-depressant users who are susceptible to being so affected by a powerful drug such as Zoloft.

One need not ever have known such a remarkable woman to feel the pain all around at the loss of Carly Henley.

So many life lessons are so well represented by Carly Henley's compelling spirit. Let me see if I can help some to gain fuller appreciation for a woman who continues to inspire everyone who ever knew of her.

Marking two years since Carly Henley's death

So difficult to find words which simply say that Carly is remembered, thought-of, and still admired by so many people two years after she left this earth. It doesn't matter too much that some of us never even knew her, for we can all observe and respect her musical talent and approachable spirit of the sort which somehow rises in prominence with time after the end of her life on earth.

The many factors which made her seem so humble, so approachable, perhaps so unsure of herself at times, and which allowed her to live and thrive as she did during most of twenty short years, are those which define Carly Henley to this day.

It's remarkable, really, that her cousins' idea of preserving and releasing Carly's music in a way that suggested and preserved Carly's apparent persona seemed to be so on-target, even though they had only internal memories and taped memories to guide them.

That Carly's music is truly a great listen just helps to maintain the high regard held by most everybody for Carly Henley both before and since her death.

Rejoice in the fact that Carly got to live a pretty fortunate existence during her time on this earth and that she still managed to take time to enjoy the little things.

Her well-preserved Twitter account is a treasure trove of testimony to Carly Henley's spirit.
References there include:

* Sitting outside and looking at the stars

* "Hannah Montana",

* Getting into bed after a long day being one of the greatest things ever

* Nearly washing her face with toothpaste

* Local restaurant Dick's Drive In

* Gospel choir

* Being way too hard on herself

* "Phish Food" ice cream

* Dancing like no one's watching

* Chocolate chip pancakes

* Time spent in Ellensburg and Yakima

* M & M's Candy with pretzels

* Country music

* Jogging 5 miles

* Getting trapped in the rain without a coat

* The Bite of Seattle

* Hawaii

* Starbucks

* Rice Krispie Treats

If you're like me, the past two years have found you pausing longer to appreciate the little things in and about others. They've found you savoring the moments just a little bit more, and they've caused you to consider the possibility that the inside doesn't match the outside in other people you've met or known.

Recently I met a twenty-year-old young woman I'd never met before, and I spent a decent amount of time around her while in the company of others. It was easy to determine that the woman shared Carly Henley's exceptional beauty, but in addition to that she seemed to possess a similar approachability which was the result of an earthy spirit not unlike that which Carly exudes in every medium which preserves her to this day.

There is a soft vulnerability to the twenty-year-old I met, and considerable thought and observation suggest that all is not right about her present or past. While I didn't sense any cause for concern relating to whether the woman wants to be on this earth, she just... exhibited a degree of vulnerability a touch beyond what we as a society have come to expect from those in her or Carly Henley's shoes.

So perhaps just possessing all of that physical beauty, while enviable to most, isn't the free pass toward true fulfillment that many of us anticipate it to be. The self-critiques are still there and sometimes torturous even (and especially) when in the appearance stratosphere. It seems a common exercise to self-assess before seeking to find the weakest link, no matter that vast numbers of others have idealized the appearance of a Carly Henley.

Indeed the social lives of such young women tend to thrive and neither Carly Henley nor this young woman I met were exceptions to that rule. Maybe it wasn't until I went online and discovered clear evidence of intelligence, ability, and considerable liking for various personal interests that I really came to be in full awe of this young woman not long past her 20th birthday.

All things considered it wasn't really the element of her vast physical beauty which was the enchanting surprise - instead it was the way she carried herself in mostly earthy fashion despite all of that exterior appeal. That seems to summarize Carly Henley too, at least as seen from a distance (my distance anyway). It just seems that Carly didn't have to do all that, personality and spirit-wise, for the sake of herself and for those around her. That she did so anyway just speaks loudly as to her impressive inner spirit.  I can only hope that most twenty-year-old women will know and take the chance to express themselves fully and confidently , while not being too afraid of stumbling before they get it completely right.

These thoughts, as always, were inspired by Carly Henley.


It seems you can still order Carly Henley's CD through ITUNES or CDBABY using the following links:



The CD makes for a great gift to anybody, but is particularly suitable for young women who might perhaps gain from some inspiration to make their way in this world. You can find Carly Henley's lyrics linked on the front page of this blog and from them it will be plain to see just why they're very inspirational to young women.

Here is a 5-minute story from the local news on Carly Henley and her family's effort at preserving her music, especially for the sake of young women everywhere.


Remembering Carly Henley on October 6, 2012

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