I learned of the death of college student Carly Henley two days after her passing, on October 6, 2010. In the days soon to follow it became clear that scores and scores of people were wounded to the core by the loss. Wonderful evidence around the internet serves to almost suspend Carly Henley's personable allure, her impressive musical talent, and a short life the likes of which most anybody could envy.

Various reports tell of her short term struggle with depression of perhaps three months in duration. Significant in that was the introduction of anti-depressant drug Zoloft via prescription some two weeks before Carly took her own life.

Not lost on me now, finally, is the wording in the "Black Box Warning" with Zoloft, which states that antidepressants may increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in persons younger than 25. Risk is especially heightened during the first two months of taking anti-depressants.

The labels on anti-depressant drugs in the U.S. were altered to reference young adults aged 18 to 24 just three years earlier - in 2007.

It is my belief, now, that Carly just happened to land among the small percentage of anti-depressant users who are susceptible to being so affected by a powerful drug such as Zoloft.

One need not ever have known such a remarkable woman to feel the pain all around at the loss of Carly Henley.

So many life lessons are so well represented by Carly Henley's compelling spirit. Let me see if I can help some to gain fuller appreciation for a woman who continues to inspire everyone who ever knew of her.

Carly Henley would have celebrated her 28th birthday today - her music still lives

Even though there are many writings and verses suggesting the opposite, it seems most likely that
generally everyone knows that Music doesn't really die.

And while there is no way to track just who and how many encounter Carly's ample YouTube representation, it is a confident bet that young women and teens who still do will indeed be moved or 
inspired by what they hear in Carly's words.

Carly Henley is still there for people who, while soul searching online, might just need exactly the sort of boost-from-within which Carly's music can easily inspire.

Carly's music is still there to represent her in some way as her high school graduating class celebrates their 10th reunion later this year.  That occasion will occur just two weeks after this blog marks eight years since Carly's death.

Carly's presence is still there to warmly affect those who still land at this blog for a capsulized summary of Carly Henley's story.

Her spirit is still there to confound most anyone who takes the time to investigate that story, whether it be via this blog, or anywhere else.

Carly Henley's memory is still there and still vivid in the minds of classmates who have now chosen life directions (if not irreversible paths just yet) as they plan to gather and exchange the randomness which equates to a few hundred lives extended during the past decade.

It can already be guessed that the expected and appropriate references to Carly Henley among that reunion crowd will be numerous, and that, if only it were possible, the sum of  Carly stories, shared just on that night, would make for a grand publication.

It is now or quite soon that it shall become most evident that to have suspended Carly Henley's image at the point where she might have been most enchanting, makes for quite the challenge.  A challenge to mere mortals who would do best for themselves and their own outlooks if remaining more realistic and more probable when happening to compare themselves to Carly (as a 20-year-old expected to reach for and attain the greatest heights).

The human imagination is challenged to even envision the most basic of pitfalls impacting a would-have-been Carly Henley future.  Instead she's what so many wanted to be, still vividly preserved on YouTube, with barely so much as an off-key note to represent flaws to her world.

Happy July 30 to you in 2018 as you remember Carly Henley on her birthday.

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